星期五, 4月 27, 2007


最近又在思考, 要不要去搞 internet產業的公司了, 也不知道自己在耍什麼笨. 就是無法忘情於大學時代整天泡在網路上的那種氣氛. 那種為了自己想要做的事情而解決問題的熱血. 乾脆來把大學時候的 bbs 重新架起來好了~~

3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Hey Dude!!
How's life treating you?
As you might've seen (or not,) I can't read any Chinese character in my work computer. I was looking through all the photos of your delicious food, and thinking "Man! I wish I could read this darn website..."
Anyway, I will read more about your latest life when I have my personal laptop in hand.
As I promised you before, I am leaving you a message on this blog, as a proof that people ALL OVER the world are visiting your famous Blog!
Rex and I have some good news to share with you. I am 14~15-week pregnant. Yes, your friend is becoming a mother by the end of 2007, and yes, I am a little shocked myself too. Happily shocked.
I hope you are doing well with everything, and keep up with your food reports. I promise, as the represenstive from Champaign Illinois US, I will try to visit your blog from time to time.

Take care,

Right Sun 提到...

Hey Kate!!
I'm so happy to hear you're pregnant! Is she? or he? How's the feel that going to be a mom? Talk me more if you have any thought about being a mom. :)

About seeing my blog, hey, Tks!! I'm not a very "hard-worker" of blog, however, knowing a friend who see your blog from the other side of world will absolutely encourage me to blog more. :) Btw, the articles about food, you will definetely love them. And you just pick up one to learn and cook it for your Rax, I can promise that you will be pregnant AGAIN SOON. :)

Take care,

匿名 提到...


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