This is Fred(well who don't know that?), he is definetly a charming man and has good taste not only in food but also in living style, dressing style, even "driving style". You don't believe me? Go bistro Friendy to see him and ask him to give you a ride of his lovely car.

This is Phillips. I heard about his good cooking of South Africa foods. I don't know what he was talking about in this pictures, but I am impressed of his speach of "Smoking Kills You!" to Steve! haha~~

This is Jolin! She is going to go back her home, South Africa! We will miss her very much!

Charlie is from England(is he?). He is very polite even after drinking some bottles of beer. Sorry Charlie, I saw too many times that English man got drunken in bar and yieling for soccer. :p You are absolutely a gentleman!